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Spankey said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:
i have to disagree. from my studies (aka life,) i have noticed-

all sony fanboys are annoying and make up lies to make it look like sony is at the top. they say stupid things like "oh, brawl sold so much but most people don't play it with the revolutionary controller so its like its not for the wii and it doesnt count," or, my personal favorite, "the wii/360 has no good games for it, but the ps3 has a lot.)

now, the same goes for HALF the 360 fanboys.
i have met some really annoying 360 fanboys that don't want to admit that nintendo is beating microsoft. they will go to the ends of the earth to try and discredit the information on vgchartz. they will make up ridiculous things to make it look like they're right.

on the other hand, i met a lot of 360 fanboys that take into hand that nintendo is winning, and pat them on the back, and even buy a wii themselves, but say the 360 is better for them. those fanboys, i dont mind at all.


So from what you have noticed, as a Sony fan I can't own a Wii or a 360?

Have I accomplished division by zero?

That depends... are you The One?

because if so I saw you on TV once fighting Agent Smith