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Wow Mario has a lot of games out, I feel better knowing I purchased most of those in bundles... oh quick note if you don't like it don't buy it, eventually the company will get the point when the marketability hits 0 and value is in the red. For now your voicing an pointless opinion and rephrasing information to match whatever point your trying to make. (I just did the same thing above.) The only difference is that what I said is true, money speaks louder than your opinion. The world hasn't had enough of Mario and his sequals and spin offs.

Look at it like this, the main line Sequals to Mario's have not been the exact same game in a while, Mario broke into 3d, then went on to use FUD and toss a new dimension into how Mario could be viewed and used and Galaxy showed what imagination can do with physics... wierd how no one mentions how amazing the physics were in that game.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D