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<q>@soriku, yes FF1-6 were on Nintendo.... then N took a big dump on Square, so they said fark you very much and left. they do seem to be making up now though, but still i never expect the main series to go to the least powerful console.</q>

That's what they did with the ps2.  Granted, the difference in power is greater between Wii/PS3 than PS2/GCN, but it's still there.  

It is true that Final Fantasy 13 might not benefit as much from waggle in battle, but FF versus 13 (gameplay rumored to be similar to KH) seems ideal.  And its unlikely Square would split them up.  Additionally, FFXIII according to, is only 13% complete as of July 21st.  And FF versus XIII is only at 1.3%.  Plenty of time for adapting the game to a different console.