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Legend11 said:
Their "tech guru" made some pretty idiotic statements like: "the PS3 is a much stronger machine than the Xbox 360" and the Wii's strong "technological prowess" so it's impossible to take him seriously but he's right in that the 360 does have hardware problems.

impossible for us to take him seriously, yes, but the general public believes that a "tech guru" should know his shiznit.  

sqrl said:

"There is more to it than that...where are a lot of people going to set the console up at first? Right on the living room floor on the CARPET, where it is going to get nice and toasty. Excitment to set it up and play is going to kill some consoles this X-mas, and most of them will send it back and have to wait weeks to play their games. The impact to sales won't be until after X-mas when/if the stories hit the news/media. "


yeah there was a guy(on here i think) that uploaded a bunch of pics of his new 360, was VERY excited about it, understandably, and it was sitting on the carpet. immediately everyone here was yelling at him to get it off the ground. LOL, it was pretty funny, there were at least 15 msgs in a couple secs.