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superchunk said:
eh, this won't matter much. Parents will buy what their teenagers want. That's the graphics and M rated games on 360. Halo, GTA, etc.

Parents are buying the Wii. All the middle schoolers and high schoolers want 360 or PS3. PS3 is too expensive for most, so they get a 360.

Parents are buying the Wii? Yeah, my parents... who are 60.  My friends and their parents already have one.  The Wii has the highest median age of any console in history.  This isn't your kid brother's system, this is your parents system.  Which ironically, makes the 360 the 'kids' system this generation with the youngest age median.  No, I don't have any stats to back that up, although the recent Neilson ratings certainly supports this as well as a mountain of antidotal evidence.  Apperantly various report from University students claim the Wii is hugely popular on campus as well (best thing to play when drunk with your buds...) although 360 is also very popular.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just sick of this baseless Wii is for kids mentality.

I doubt the Today show will affect the 360 much, its the system of choice for core-gamers and they are all VERY aware of it's technical problems anyway.  Might affect Christmas sales though if this continues unabated in the media.   Come on MS, get the 'falcon' units out already....