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Hmmm i do not know snake seems stronger then meta but i guess that may be only becuse of snake is a good conter for meta? I just think snake is too powerfully and too fixable at the same time. He dose not have amasing rng on his attks but snake can camp like no one else and its kind of hard to conter a camping snake. You can try to rng attk him but he soo low to the grond i was zss crouch was as good but you have to move with her or for some resion she will sit there with her head up in the rng of being his by most rng attks.
I never had that much toble with your meta riot but then agen you never did spam me with his specle you just did jump attk and played him a lot like your marth.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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