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This is plain stupid, whoever said that GH wasn't casual? Of course there are people that may take any game to far competing. There are plenty of casual games available on the PS2, there will be plenty on the PS3 once it reaches a casual price point. Generally, for the last couple gens, the initial games available for a system at and after launch are targeted to those willing to spend the big bucks to get them, and I don't see anyone shelling out $800 for GH or DDR or SingStar or Wii Sports.

The unique situation that the Wii was in is the price point at launch was already in the casual range, so this is what was targeted for good reason. Whereas, a purist gamer such as myself(your N boy George made this one up, so I'm USING it) doesn't see the value of a Wii to be more than maybe $150, though plenty see it as more, and, oh wait for it, some see it as even less, and then some see it as worthless, you must accept this, you do realize opinions are like as............

I don't like Wii Fit b/c it just seems stupid to me, though surely I'm not the target audience for it or N would be bankrupt by now.

Some of these assholes definitely have over productive opinions of the Wii that defy any common courtesies, but why do you try to start fights Biggerboat?