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Bodhesatva said:
Final-Fan said:
Bodhesatva, your point #3 gave me an evil thought: PS3 and 360 lose all identity and are seen as "budget" and "luxury" versions of the same thing. 360 is cheaper, but you might lose it all on RRoD or disc scratches!

Won't happen of course, but it was an amusing thought.

You don't even have to worry about the break downs; you can also include Blu-Ray playback.

You have a choice: buy a "toned down" version that just plays games for 300-400, or buy the "spruced up" version that also plays games, but with a built in Blu-Ray player for 500-600!

Of course, this situation isn't a happy one for either of them.  They'll keep this bloody battle going slashing each other and spending money by the truckload to try to grab each individual exclusive sequel of a last gen game.  Meanwhile, Nintendo just sits there happily making huge profits on all their systems, games (casual and core), and peripherals.  They don't have to buy games to get them, because developers have no CHOICE but to make Wii games if they want to survive the generation.  So while Sony and Microsoft create billions of dollars of deficit for their parent companies just to survive in the industry and grab old IPs, Nintendo sits back and lets the Wii and DS comfortably rake in brand new IPs and strong support from developers without lifting a finger.