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BenKenobi88 said:
No, there's just a lot of topics to answer out there...most take like 10 minutes to get a reply.

It's probably because Guitar Hero is a scaled game, where expert gamers can get better, and thus a game perfect for "casuals" and "hardcore gamers" Super Smash Brothers.

Some casual games are just plain easy though, and those are the ones they probably scoff. I think if the game is designed well enough to be fun, and allow some competition amongst gamers of all skill levels, then it's fine with me, and probably with most people here.

The only 'casual' games I've played are Wii Sports and Big Brain Academy on DS and I found neither to be a walk in the park. I still haven't got all the platinums in Sports and just plain gave up getting an A+ on BBA. I think because of N's roots in traditional gaming they'll always provide a gaming experience that is challenging to all who play it. Having not experienced Wii Fit first hand I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure that it'll cater to all skill levels.

I think the casual games that are insultingly easy are the ones aimed at young children, which is understandable.

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.