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Crono said:
These games came out on the Xbox, but I was always of the opinion that they were the bastardized versions.

Sure, we could get a bastardized version of Gears of War on Wii, but the textures would be muddy, the polygon count would have to be reduced, and you'd have to dump the dolby digital audio. But it would essentally be the same game.

I just got done reading an editorial about the wii specs on so I think wii is capable of some form of these games, just not the exact same experience.

BTW, I'd totally buy the wii version of Gears of War. RE4 works so well with the 3rd person perspective, I'd love to see it work with gears.


 That is my sentiment as well. Same game, but not same polish or sound. As Wii's userbase grows I am willing to bet GTA4 will be on Wii in 2008. Just as GTA:SA was on xbox well after it came out on PS2.