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The former has been greeted with scepticism and derision by the general gaming community yet the latter is  seen as perfectly acceptable and has been welcomed to the gaming scene since it's arrival. My question is why?

Both games come with a hefty peripheral both in size and price tag. Both feature accessible play mechanics that start out easy and increase in difficulty. Both games are cut down into bite size chunks of play time & both have you on your feet for prolonged periods of time. Why then with this much in common are these titles treated so differently by your average gamer?

Is it because one has practical implications, in this case excercise, and the other is solely for entertainment & if so why is DDR not subjected to accusations of ending gaming as we know it & taking the industry in a dangerous direction? Is it because one is seen as having cooler subject matter, & if so is that not just down to personal taste? Is it beacause one uses mini-games and the other uses tracks?

It seems to me that it's all just down to a vocal minority of spoilt babies who want the gaming world to revolve around themselves and no one else, who deem rock 'cool' and excercise 'lame' & thus the latter must cease to exist. Some people need to stop being so close-minded and accept that just because they like red  somebody else can't like blue, it's pathetic.

Am I missing something?

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.