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Activision guys must be joking ?!?

They put the game on all the console EXCEPT the PS3

or is it just an error ?

No Spiderman: Friend of Foe For PS3
by Victor Dangelo on 26/07/2007 Views: 513

Activision has recently announced the new Spider-Man: Friend or Foe for multiple consoles including the Xbox 360 and Wii but unfortunately no PS3 version was announced.

The new Spider-Man game from Activision is called Friend or Foe and the information revealed about the game shows that it is in development for the Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, NDS, and PC.

Unfortunately though there is no word on the PS3 version of the game in any capacity so it can be assumed that there is no PS3 version in development at this point.

It seems that Spider-Man: Friend or Foe may go web-slinging right past the PS3 and on just about every other console.

Time to Work !