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Kasz216 said:
Oh he tortured and murdered somewhere between 50 to 600 children.

On some accounts as a scarifice to daemons.

How's he portrayed in the game?

Dont forget raped...
Boys and Girls at the ages between 5 to 18.

If you don't mind spoilers. and if my memory serves.
Jeanne was up against a mystical evil.
Gilles was portrayed as a great noble who endagered himself just to help Jeanne.
He was also one of the 4 chosens that obtained the mystical bracelet, one of which is with Jeanne.
At one point Jeanne's love interest(Roger) was ... Think of it as venom's relationship to it's host in spiderman... by the mystical evil.
They saved him. And off they go to the final battle. In the final battle they defeat the great evil, tried to seal it, but he was able to escape and went straight to Jeanne. Gilles jumped inbetween them and absorbed the great evil.
They saved the day.

watch 0:53 to 2:18 to see how they portrayed his character. *Major spoilers*
Most people assume a happy ending for him if they haven't read his story.


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