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Gnizmo said:
ctk495 said:


That doesn't mean it won't be good and there are not many shooter games that are decent on the wii in fact when I think about it apart from Medal of honor:Heroes 2 there are none.People should give a chance to this game instead of being pessimist on how it could suck went most of the odds are against it happening.

Edit:Is COD5 on the wii having online?

I am not being pessimistic. I am being realistic. The game is a long way off from release, and the developer does not have a great track record. To assume this game will be great is overly optimistic at best, but more likely just rampant fanboyism. Giving the game a chance would be saying it could be good, and speaking up the positive points. Fanboyism would be saying the game will be super awesome and everyone should buy it because the developer is clearly the best! There is more evidence for this game being a generic FPS rather than a AAA title.


Fanboyism?This thread is just a suggestion for wii owners on why they should give the game a chance and not ignore it.I am not forcing anyone to buy this game everyone is free of purchasing whatever they want.I never said the the developer was the best. I only said that there are working hard to please wii owners.