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Are we basing games from the past to be better or is it more about nostalgia?

I find that alot of the games that I used to dig, I can't really play anymore. I bought a few retro compilations that have games I just can't get into. I used to love Pitfall with a passion, but now it's so repetitive I've actually zonked out with the handheld on my chest. There are a few exceptions to this, but most games seem to get stuck into a specific genre and it's simply not fun because of all the similarities. Half-Life 2 and Bioshock are great FPSes because the story draws me in, But UTIII will just bore me. I think a game needs some age to it before we can remember it so fondly. But sometimes coming face to face with the memory will have you thinking, "WHAT INTESTINAL TRACT OF HELL DID THIS GARBAGE SPEW FROM?"

So for me it's a story that makes or breaks a game because of all the categorized genres that give everything that 'samey' quality. But then again, the babes are more realistic looking with today's hardware. So give me a good story and hot skanks and I'll be happy.

Obi-Wan: I felt a great disturbance in the Industry, as if millions of fanboys suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.