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Shush! you are speaking truth and that's not accepatable. The only explanation for Microsoft (M$) Xbox 360 getting any game at all is because it either involve moneyhatting, bribery of some kind or just plain evil-ness of the companies involve.

Sony was (noticed it's not "is", they have seems to change their tune) just like Nintendo back in the 90's. (And Atari back in the 80's if you are that old like me). They were arrogant and figure regardless of what they do developers will come crawling to them. Microsoft (surprisingly) was humble by thier first Xbox foray and do everything they could to cater to developers need.

I think it's great that there are competing platforms and Sony doing better is getting Microsoft to be more aggressive and do more. Do you think Sony would improve PSN with in-game XMB, X-invite etc if it was not for XBLA.

The only fear I have is the recent Blizzard/Activision mass cancellation of games. If they can sell junk like Guitar Hero DS and churn out crap Wii games why should they fund these other games. For now PS3/360 combine are on the par with Wii but as Wii continue the march to domination and with Activision sending out clear signal where they want to spend their money ... may be 360 and PS3 should stop bickering about the exclusive.