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Wow, these guys aren't very smart.

They praise its Limitless custom content, but criticise it for being Not deep enough.

Hmm, i think their problem was that they were bound to end up dissapointed because they played it as seperate stages instead of as one continuous game"

Now, some of their other 'cons'
"all about the creator" pardon. First off, Will Wright is a legend, second, I think the game is about the evolution of life from single celled organisms to masters of a galaxy. Now, I may be wrong - it could turn out that the creature creator only allows you to create creates that look like Will Wright.

"Designed for Non-gamers"
What the fuck? they were playing against the prebuilt creatures, presumably on easy difficulty so they could finish early and go to the pub. As soon as custom created creatures appear and you turn it to a harder difficulty setting, this game will be satisfying for core gamers. Also, cute graphics =/= casual gameplay.