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ultraslick said:
Think for a moment of LBP 2, and what it could do to add to LBP.

Could we maybe get the first one in players' hands before talking about all the amazing possibilities for the second one?

I think forum-mind has affected most folks here into thinking that the people who frequent sites like this are the norm. We are not. On video game sites like this, LBP is a highly debated topic. To the general populace who make up 99% of the game buying world, it's not even a blip on the horizon, and even when it releases, it will be a VERY hard game to portray to potential buyers. Can you really illustrate what the hell it's about in a 30 second commercial? I've been anticipating this game since it was announced, but I'm not even entirely sure what the hell is going on with it.

If you relate it in terms of "what percentage of forum readers will buy it", then yes, it should be quite successful.

If you look in terms of "sales to the public at large" it will be significantly less impressive. It's a distinctly different game, which may be tough to introduce to the mass markets.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.