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I figured logically the most attractive feature for women/girls of Nintendogs was a cute pet on the go... (here I go again)

1. White ambience and objects mean they are aiming for women
2. Father+ son + daughter mean they want to place this in the living room
3. Smiles means this game will make you smile (obvious duh)

There's a few more but that's what the commercial was intended, the thing is they are going into a known market at this point but from another angle, it's not motion sensing it's motion capturing, the differences what are they.

I'm going to assume Nintendo never released Nintendogs for the Wii, and probably for very good reason if I'm correct, Ubisoft is releasing petz Wii to get a jump on this and Sony is releasing eyepet. (To my knowledge the only expanded audience DS game brought to the Wii was Brain Age.)

1. Mobility not just women but anyone would like to have that free time used up, it's this factor plus another thing that made Nintendogs a hit, but this is how Eyepet isn't Nintendog.
2. Touch screen, the difference between touching nothing and interface may have been crossed here.
3. Nintendogs expressed itself on a platform that it was designed for, in otherwords the intention of the DS was to play Nintendogs, everything else are just work arounds and brilliance. (Similar to how Wii is built around Wii sports, Wiifit, and Wii music.)

I am not a big fan of the Eyetoy set, but that's not my fault I just haven't seen anything done with it that has, 'fun wrapped around it' I would love to see the tech used in a fun way though. *Outside of simple fun*

Eyepet could work but 1 and 2 of the second part may pose a big problem for future endeavours.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D