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Halo is Microsoft's FLAG ship game.
It's like mario or Zelda for MS.
Thats why I knew of Halo and never heard of Metriod.
I have never played a mario game, and I never played a Zelda game before I got a wii, but I knew about all these games from years before.

If Ninty advertises Metriod the way Halo 3 is being pushed by MS then people will hear about it.

Having said all that Multiplayer would of sealed Metriod 3's fate as a name to remember. Split screen Multiplayer is what consoles can do better then PC's.

On a side note : It's a pity no one remembers outcast which was a 3rd person shooter Adverture and one the best games I ever played, it used Voxels to amazing effect (for it's time :) ).


"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"