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Final-Fan said:
Sqrl said:

I don't have any major problems with your post except that I feel you only fully evolved one half of the conclusion to the situation. If we are to assume that this is the case then it is logical also to assume that the wii will be getting exclusive games that cater to its "specialness" and they will be games that as you yourself say are "awkward, difficult, and perhaps in some cases outright impossible" to port. There is currently no reason to assume these games will not be as much of a draw for the console as the "disexclusives" (as you have dubbed them) will generate for the PS3/360. This is especially true by the time you factor in the part where two consoles will be gaining the benefit of the 1 game so its impact is divided and significantly lessened for a given console. I think to fully apreciate that exclusives are designed to sell consoles because you can only get it on the one console, we need to then account for this with disexclusives by realising the impact will be split.

Now I am not trying to marganlize the "disexclusives" to the point of saying they would be inherently less impactful on a given console than the Wii exclusives. I just think it would be premature to assume that Wii exclusives are going to be inherently less(or more) impactful. I am not sure where you stand on this issue but I am stating it so you know where I stand.

With all of that in mind I think this falls in line perfectly with my beliefs that the PS3 and 360 are not directly competing with the Wii. And in general it works well with the idea that the Wii makes a good second console since it has differentiated itself from the other two significantly. I think Nintendo has a great market strategy, and it will serve them well in the current market environment of two similar choices and one very different choice.

I think all of this makes for a phenomonal situation for "we the gamers" as it ensures that all of us will have the games we love and the games we like. Right now I believe developers are being tasked with creating the widest variety of games the industry has ever produced and that to me means that games won't be stale as quickly and it means there should always be something new and interesting for us to play.

PS - @Everyone, Please don't bother responding to me unless you have thoroughly read what I said, I don't want to get into another debate where people haven't bothered to get a grasp on what I have said. I chose my wording with intent, so please read carefully.

I think I clearly did say that the Wii is going to get a lot of exclusives. I said that throughout the post, and expecially in the two paragraphs about Sonic. How could there possibly be a "Wii" side of the game market and a "not-the-Wii" side of the game market without a huge number of titles appearing only on the Wii, A.K.A. Wii exclusives? For that matter, the Sonic example itself is the perfect example of what you are saying...

I wasn't saying you didn't say the wii wouldn't get plenty of exclusives, I was just restating the point to build towards the point I was making. Like I said I do largely agree with your OP. My only real complaint was that I felt it was worth stating in detail that it would be some time before we could know how impactful Wii exclusives and Wii disexclusives will be.

Edit: it really wasn't even a comlpaint, more of an "I agree, but I would add..."

Edit2: rereading "I wasn't saying you didn't say the wii wouldn't get plenty of exclusives" let me simplify that. I recognize that you were saying the Wii was going to get exclusives, and I was not challenging the point.

To Each Man, Responsibility