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Legend11 said:
I think a lot of third parties are seeing the success of Wii Sports and Wii Play and think the most lucrative and safe games to be developing for the Wii are casual ones while those developing for the 360/PS3 see the success of games such as Gears of War and Resistance: Fall of Man and so make games targeted at a similar audience.

 I would agree with this for developers who are looking for safe games, and there are definately developers looking for safe games.  But most 3rd party publishers are usually working on new IPs almost constantly and I am pretty sure they are not going to be scared away from the "core" games markets until games in those genres actually begin to fail. Like I mentioned in another thread recently, these developers do in depth market analysis before game production so I think while they are recognizing the safeness of casual games they are not going to just assume its more lucrative and let a competitor find out and strike it big when they could. Then there is MP3, SMG, and others which I think will show them that these types of games are very profitable and I expect increasing "core" games over the next year as the Wii begins to fully find its legs and we get a clear picture of what life with a wii is going to be like.



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