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Oh, why was this thread dug up?

Rock Band is harder to hit note than Guitar Hero. Casual gamers like to think it is hard but to be constantly rewarded.

Seriously, it doesn't matter who plays which longer (as the article claims) it matters which one sell more.

Guitar Hero will sell more, there are tons (read: millions) of people who are going to buy the disc for Guitar Hero just because they own 1,2, or 3 and don't want more guitars.

I'm not saying rockband doesn't have a chance, but it does have an uphill battle.

To put this into perspective:

13 million copies of GHIII
3 million Rock Band

They are not even in the same league.

Not that it matters who "wins". Both will go on as long as they are both profitable.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.