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konnichiwa said:
steven787 said:

Failing to do what?

It's profitable.
It's got great games.
It's selling very well.

Using the competition as a yard stick isn't always the best idea.

Is Burger King a failure because McDonalds generates more revenue?

No, we just have this screwed up idea that everything is a race or a battle.

Also: This is discussing the same article as this thread:


1. Look my previous post with the embeded vid of E3 08.

2. Major Nelson => We will sell more X360's worldwide this gen than PS3 with using their strategy.

3. X360 is not making the gap wider with PS3.

4. So the strategy is failing...

First to adress what I bolded.  You need to read my posts again, I am saying gap or no gap, it does not matter.  Not one bit. Unless the gap is significant.  Which it won't be.

On Major Nelson's comments:

I didn't say that executive weren't also guilty of this thinking.  They are.  They do it all the time, and they are stupid.

Whether he believes it or not, I cannot say.  He's throwing fuel on the fire, trying to get publicity, and it's worked.

I mostly own shares of companies that pay dividends, because as an owner of a company I want my cut to reinvest how I choose.  I do own some growth stocks, but I do not plan on keeping them till I retire because they always go down sooner or later.

My profit is all I care about as a stock holder.   So if these executives want to keep their jobs they have to either keep the dividends coming or keep the stock price climbing.

"Winning the console war" is fanboy and marketing talk.


By your thinking, I would guess your answer to my question would be: Yes, Burger King is a failure.

You would be wrong.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.