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There are 8M Wii owners who also owned a Ps2.

There are 7.5M X360 owners who also owned a Ps2

There are 4.2M Ps3 owners who also owned a Ps2.

There are  22.3M Ps2 owners who haven't upgraded.



There are 3.4M Wii owners who didn't own a Ps2.

There are 3.2M X360 owners who didn't own a Ps2.

There are ~ 100K Ps3 owners who didn't own a Ps2 


In addition.

There are ~ 25M XB-GCN owners in the US.

A maximum of 1/3 of the XB-GCN owners have bought a new console.

More Ps2 owners have upgraded than XB/GCN owners.



Less GC owners, in percentage, are likely to have upgraded to Wii, than Ps2 owners.

Same goes for X360.

The Wii hasn't majorly expanded the market. It's simply taking the Ps2 market, a bit GC, a bit XB, and a bit more.


Without further ado.

Ps3 is almost only Ps2 owners. There isn't likely to be any non gamers who bought the Ps3.

X360 might have grabbed a bit new users, but probably very little.

The market isn't going to expand a lot in the US this gen.



 That's amazing!