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Legend11 said:


Metroid Prime has received a lot of credit. It just seems like fans of Metroid Prime feel slighted because many console FPS fans choose Halo over it which makes sense since it's actually a FPS with multiplayer. It also seems like fanboyism on the part of Nintendo fans who can't accept the fact that there are a significant amount of people that prefer a competitor's game over theirs in a similar genre. It makes about as much sense as NHL 2008 fans getting mad at Madden 2008 fans for not giving their game credit or trying to force them to say Madden is superior, I mean what's the point if they're basically different types of games?

The original question has been answered several times in this thread and fans of Metroid Prime should just accept the answer given and move on. Enjoy the game you have instead of getting angry because it's not getting the same amount of spotlight as another game in a similar genre. Please stop trying to tell fans of one game that another is superior, it getting old.

So is changing the subject of the thread something you do often then? What are you basing your statements on? At what point did anyone give you the impression they were annoyed with people who choose halo "over" MP3. See this isn't a one over the other type of deal. It's about recognizing both games are great games.

See I think what happened here is someone mentioned Halo, and you couldn't let the pinnacle of your existance be soiled by the utterance of MP in the same sentence so you made it into a competition in your mind. Maybe you should reread the thread and you might realise that nobody was attacking Halo like you seem to believe. This thread was about elevating MP not tearing down Halo.

As for your last paragraph, this is a thread for discussion. People are supposed to talk about the subject not just read one person's opinions and "move on" as you would have them do. If people just accepted what someone else told them on this forum it would be a pretty boring place. For the record, I did enjoy MP and I enjoyed Halo multiplayer. It seems the only one getting angry here is you.

PS - Please feel free to highlight the part of my post that made you write the following little gem as your closing line in responce to me....

"Please stop trying to tell fans of one game that another is superior, it getting old."

Seriously, I defy you to point out where I said MP is better than Halo. But you can't because I didn't.



To Each Man, Responsibility