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Ok so what is your point? Halo and MP have practically identical review scores? Great, but the OP still has a valid point that you pretty much derailed.

MP still receives very little credit for a game that was reviewed as high as it was. The real reason has actually already been mentioned but you dismissed it pretty quickly. The vast majority of shooter fans are not looking for puzzles they just want to maim shit. You can take that for what you will but it is true. A lot of folks don't like MP's slower paced action, so it doesn't get lumped in with the great shooters.

With that said their are some major difference between the games and a lot of people do not even think of MP in the shooter genre. I'm not sure that I even think of it has in the shooter genre, but I do think it gets ignored way to much.

Next time please don't let the minutia of a post detract from a solid point.

To Each Man, Responsibility