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Disney does well because there are always new customers (kids) that haven't seen or experienced Disney before. Their business security literally lies right at the beginning of the "circle of life", due to life's recurring nature, they will always have new customers  (and lots of them).

Impressionable youth are much less spread out, demographically, than adults, or even teenagers. Every kid (who is exposed to it) likes Disney, and every kid likes Mario, pretty much without exception, because, in trying to entertain themselves, their minds go through a much less experience-influenced process.

Nintendo's characters, and focus on kids, is a strategy than can never fail them, except in the face of serious competition -- which neither the PS3 or X360 are giving them right now, in this regard.

That being said, Nintendo's demographics scatter much moreso than the PS3 and X360's do at the adult consumer level. The Wii's hugest benefit is that, like a Disney movie, it appeals to both kids (with games), and parents (WiiFit, WiiPlay, WiiSports, etc.), giving parents a another big motivation to purchase it over the other consoles.

However, the Wii's amazing sales definately reek of "fad" and "novelty", despite my opinion that it can never fail. Traditionally, toy fads last two holiday seasons before they really start to drop off. I would say that, due to incredibly short supply, the Holidays in 2006 don't really count as one of these two holiday seasons, for the Wii -- so it should do decently well this season as well. After that... it'd be a real mystery as to how Wiis keep selling faster than the other consoles.