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Well ,kiddies is a big market ,Nintendo knows what it does aiming for those.

Thing is those kids also grow up and then they will want to play something else ,and Nitnendo will still be aiming kiddies and casual gamers.

Casual gaming is allright ,they have right to play something.But it cant be the future of the industry ....because casual things are a lot of times just fads ,and can hang on 1 ,2 ,even 5 or six years but theres always the risk of another thing coming that becomes the casual/trendy thing and displaces you.And if the focus of the industry is on casual gaming and casual gaming is displaced by something else then the industry would ultimately collapse.At least core gamers are solid and loyal and will keep going.

By the way ,the industry was growing year on year since the PS1 came so no risk of imploding ...and without having to actually change the focus 80% to casual gaming.