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Grey Acumen said:

if we count weighted totals as Gold = 3, Silver = 2, Bronze = 1, then China is leading USA by 15 points, so a few more golds could drive that up. (currently china = 26G, 9S, 6B = 102 vs USA = 14G, 13S, 19B = 87)

I don't want to be a poor sport, and I seriously do congratulate the Chinese athletes on their victories, but I do wonder how many of these athletes are in a situation of "you get gold or at least beat USA, or you/your family will lose all the special privileges you've gotten as an athlete to represent us/will be billed and forced into debt to pay for all those special privileges you've gotten/sold/killed/ostracized from your community/etc.

I look at all the issues that are coming to light about that opening ceremony, and NBC even did an article about how chinese in the area have gone over all sorts of different "dos and do nots" for the "face" they want to show the world, and this even included not letting people wear the clothes they usually do. Literally, that's exactly what the news article stated, but they were spinning it as a completely positive and and welcomed "facelift" for the country, instead of what it really comes across as, which is a mandated MASK.

Taking all this into context, I honestly am worried for the Chinese athletes who don't do well. I am also wondering a bit how much home town "advantage" the chinese are getting, both in terms of government interference as well as polution factors.


Oh, and just for the heck of it:

Germany - 32, South Korea - 40, Italy - 30, Japan - 29, Australia - 37, Russia - 33, France - 32

(I only did the totals that had more than 10 medals total)


I'm not only worried about those who don't perform well, but those who currently being picked to compete in 12-16 years.  think how bad your childhood would suck if all you could ever do was train in the 10 meter air pistol