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"Ashcraft has given us ten top-shelf reasons why Metal Gear Solid 4 is, at least for the moment, a PS3 exclusive. From cake to flowers to my innocent, cherubic face, which developers are unable to lie to, they all check out. Sony's Peter Dille has now been so kind as to provide us with an eleventh. Speaking with Gamasutra, Dille was asked what the deal was with Konami casting some doubt on the title's exclusivity just before E3.
'There was something that came out prior to (the Sony E3 keynote) announcement. Our folks have talked to the Konami folks, and until the announcement was out from our side, I think they were being a little bit cagey. But the agreement calls for exclusivity, the announcement's been made, and now people know the real story.'

The agreement calls for exclusivity. Doesn't get much more cast-iron than that. Unless you want to poke at the term exclusive, but just for today, let's not.
What's the Dille? Sony's Marketing Head Gets Heated [Gamasutra]"


Ahh, where is johnlucas to say MGS4 will not be on the PS3 when you need him?