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I'm here in New Jersey, moved from New York some years ago. Contrary to The Source's post I'm not rich. Not even close. Don't really see any craze about video games, or maybe it's just because I don't ask. Actually, now that I think about it there are some things I hear about. In fact, there usually from girls. Right now I'm hearing about all those games like Guitar Heroe. My older sister asked if I played it before which had me all confused. One of my friends has contest with she goes out. I have a ds and my mom and one of my younger sisters never stop nagging me about Brain Age. Wii and DS are very popular with my little sisters friends. Don't really hear about ps3, hear about 360 from guys every once and a while. Even though this is what I hear, I'm certain that ps2 and ds are the most popular right now. Strange thing is, it seems there a lot of late gc owners coming from no where. In high school, my friends only talked about ps2. But in the last couple of weeks those same friends are asking to borrow my gc controllers so that they can play Mario Party 7 or 8(don't know which) so that they can play till 5 in the morning. College must give them a lot of free time on their hands. I myself haven't played any games since I beat Zelda TP(GC) which was in January.