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colonelstubbs said:
Onimusha12 said:
Is it wrong to enjoy watching HD fanboys split hairs over which version of HD games are better on which console?

You're boring. Ever so boring. Maybe you should write a book entitled 'my mommy wont buy me a PS3 so i have to abuse it on an internet forum to make it look like i dont care'



Really? Because I'm not bored, maybe I'm self centered, but I find this to be quite interesting, kind of like watching a train wreck really. You see Sony's P.R. statements are never that terribly bad, embarassing maybe, but the true tragedy is the people responding to them either trying to mitigate damage control or turn the thread into a PS3 vs 360 pissing contest.

I wasn't even talking about the PS3 specifically, I was talking about the fight between HD gamers in this thread. Perhaps you have a victimization complex?

Oh, or are you angry at me because I was right in my observation and you feel my presence to be a lemon on an open wound. It's a pity you kids can't just learn to enjoy your toys and stop fighting with eachother.