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Seems as some pointed out that this may be old or out of context etc. Honestly as I mentioned in my comments this is just something my cousin and I just always found amusing even before any execs said anything we both always assumed that those paying for a ps3 at the time where just doing it mainly for games that wouldn't even come out for years to come. Perfect example of that was mgs4. Obviously as I also mentioned in my comments that does not appear to be the case anymore as there are plenty of games available that show that the PS3 is indeed capable of some great things again using mgs4 as an example. In the end I posted this really as a joke that my cousin and I have been discussing for a long time but obviously nobody else would care unless it also came from SONY or someone worth mentioning etc.

Just to give an example of a great PS3 feature that my cousin and I always talked about is the remote play with the PSP. It is now available in some games and it kicks ass. That is a potential that has for the most part been met and I hope it only gets better.