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I demand proof about Grand Theft Auto 4. Otherwise I am calling you out for being totally full of shit. The speculation last year was that in was the Sony version of the game lagging far behind the 360 version of said game. So how can the PS3 be the lead platform. After all the lead platform leads does it not. I mean you can say lead as in it lead to the game being delayed half a year.

@topic of game quality

I think it has been proven with a high degree of certainty. That both consoles are for most part visually equal. Lesser developers cannot make use adequate use of the Cell leading to poorer quality visuals. While more adept developers might be able to get more out of the Cell. However it is not much more if any at all.

Regardless hardly a decent argument for spending much more money. That could easily be spent on more games. Which the 360 has in abundance. The reality is when the games are for multiple platforms they are going to be visually equal, because the developer is going to design the game so as to play on both platforms.