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Profcrab said:
theprof00 said:
StanGable said:
I tell you what, I like Sony's statement cuz that means that I can buy this console in 10 years way cheaper than it is now and play the games I might miss on like MGS 4, also at a discount rate. Good job Sony, you got me to buy your PS3 in 9 years!!!

you won't buy it, you'll be too busy playing xbox 4 and running kissing booths, while sony is selling cream pies with pictures of your ladies twat beneath the filling.



I disagree with the analogy, but high points for a Revenge of the Nerds reference.

I give that post a 9.7.

ps4 will totally outsell xbox4, it will just take some likability. i think the best way would be to wear the xbox4 faceplates and have sex with an xbox owner then take it off after showing how good it was on the ps3 side.