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The PS3 may still be the most expensive console on the market by quite a margin, but you are "paying for potential", says Sony marketing boss Scott Steinberg.

Microsoft earlier this week replaced the 20GB Xbox 360 with a new 60GB SKU, now on sale for the same £199 asking price, while the 40GB PS3 costs £299 with Sony showing no signs of slashing it.

It's worth the extra investment though, says Steinberg. "The price of the PS3 is high but you're paying for potential," he said, touting Sony's ten-year lifecycle plan for the shiny box.

"The ten-year strategy is ingrained in all of us. [SCEA president and CEO] Jack [Tretton] has brought that to all levels of the organization," he told Gamasutra.

As well as games, Sony has periodic firmware updates and added functionality - such as PlayTV, a digital TV receiver - planned for the "future-proofing" of PS3.


You would think a marketing man would have more common sense.  The funny part to me is that this one of the main reasons my cousin and I have always made fun of the PS3 from day 1.  People are paying for potential rather then what is available mind you there is alot good stuff now so we don't use that reason anymore.  In the end I don't think potential is good enough reason to get mass market appeal as most people want satisfaction right now.  Who knows I'll still be interested in games when the potential is finally if ever met heh.