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Ignoring the spin-offs arguement (they all are spinoffs but with stories that can help plot development in KH3, kind of like the GBA KH, whihc i never played)....

anyway, I'm looking forward to all of them but I think with the way BBS has been promoted (as in at the end if KH2 and the extra sequence at end of Final Mix) will cause it to sell more then a game that hasn't had that extra promotion already.

Personal preference wise, BBS interestes me more then a game just telling a story of a character that technically doesn't even exist. I mean if 358/2 was about Riku's story during that time then cool, but Roxas? Isn't he with the bad guys during that time so you play a bad guy? (don't know what the obession with Roxas is to be honest, he's nothing compared to Sora.

Micky is cooler then Roxas.

Importance wise, it's definately BBS first, as i think this will lead into KH3, while 358/2 is just a backstory of Roxas. Something I'm not really interested in. Coded....well, I don't even know what Coded is about but unless it's released on PSP or DS as well as mobile crappy phones then I won't be playing it.

Hmm, pie.