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Mmmh Kwaad, you can't stand Morrowind graphics anymore, but can stand cel-shaded ones like Okami?
So Cel-shaded is more future-proof, right?
The Wii being far more powerful than the PS2, which had epic, worlds created in games, and the Wii having traditional gameplay too, then the Wii has everything you need, so what is this nonsense about it having so little of all that?

A lot of the HD consoles power is lost in actually delivering the HD content. The Wii delivers ED content, so it needs 4 times less graphical power to deliver the same content in ED resolutions.
Given that, the Wii is perfectly able to deliver games made on the PS3/XB360, as long as they're not tailored to these hardware, and there will be some quality loss.

Actually, the biggest problems the publishers have, is that their games are mostly the same that on previous gen, only with better graphics. So, if they'd release watered down versions for the Wii, it would be too obvious, and their ego won't stand it.