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Well, this is a nice little thread.

First of all, the Wii can run some PS3/360 games. Even with their native engine. Now that's not saying much becuase some developers just shouldnt make games. Alot of the time you see something so similar is when you see the game designed for the PS2, ported to the Wii, PS3, 360. In the future I think we will see less multiplatform games spanning PS3/360 and Wii. This generation is gonna do something diffrent from every other generation, and the 'true' exclusives are almost gone. Companies have learned that they make more money from multiplatform, and the GPU on the PS3/360 are quite smilar in terms of how to optimize that, the CPU is the one that is going to take the time. Once the CPU for the PS3 gets mastered, I think almost every game will be PS3/360 or Wii. So yes that means the Wii gets alot of true 'exclusives'. While the PS3/360 dont get any exclusives. But, the PS3/360 will have a healther number of AAA titles. (at least for the next 18 months)

The Wii cant play PS3 games, and the Wii cant play 360 games. The CPU in the PS3 is probibally faster than the entire Wii, and the GPU in the PS3 is, I'm quite sure, faster than the entre Wii. The 360's GPU is also faster than the entire Wii. That is a MASSIVE power diffrence, not to mention the 5x more memory!

The reason a PC game has such high requirements compared to what it can be played on a console is, becuase you can 'optimize' a console. Overall PC games are not optimized like a console game. They are made to work, and run. A Console game's entire development cycle is designed for specific hardware. It does NOT need conpatability. It does not need to work on other hardware. It does not need to run on slower hardware. It needs to run perfect, on what it is given.

I would say a Console gets at least 3x more power out of 'said hardware' than a computer.

Here's my point. A optimized PS3/360 game, will never run on a Wii. I do not consider launch games optimized. There are very few optimized games on the market right now for PS3/360 so far, This year is the big one for both 360/PS3.

PSN ID: Kwaad

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