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I don't think we've seen enough of Wii Fit to judge whether it will actually keep you fit or not. Saying that, saying Wii Fit won't help your fitness is surely the same as saying Yoga doesn't help your fitness? And surely it's proven that it does? (or Millions of people wouldn't do it...).

I don't think anyone believes people are going to lose 20 stone using it or anything, but for the 35+ age bracket who don't have time for the gym and spend 8 hours at an office working I think Wii Fit would benefit them to keep their body active.

But yeah, judge Wii Fit once it's out, it's too much judging it off of one E3 trailer where the focus was clearly going to be on how fun it is then how fit it keeps you, cause well, it was a gaming conference at the end of the day.