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Here are the recommended specs of D3 & HL2 when released on the PC(from IGN):

D3 Recommended Requirements:
2.4GHz P4 or equivalent
128MB 3D card with vertex and pixel shaders

HL2 Recommended Requirements:
2.4GHz CPU or equivalent
Radeon 9700 Pro or GeForce FX 5600

Now here are the Xbox specs                        & Wii's

CPU: 733Mhz Celeron                                       CPU: 729Mhz Power PC(much more efficient than Xbox's)

RAM: 64MB                                                           RAM: 88MB(runs faster than Xbox's)

GPU: 233 Mhz 64MB Geforce 3/4 equivalent GPU: 243 Mhz ATI

Numbers alone don't tell the whole story but the Wii is significantly more efficient than Xbox and even though the CPU & RAM look similiar Wii actually has a big advantage in these areas, the GPU I'm not so sure about, maybe a techie can let us know.

So considering Xbox ran 2 games which required far beefier components in their origional form is it really out of the question that Wii, which is quite a bit more powerful, could run some of the games released on 360 and PS3? So far RE4, a GC game, is probably the best looking game on Wii so are we just assuming Wii doesn't have much under the hood when really dev's just haven't exploited it's potential yet?

Could we be sitting round the little white console a year or so from now laughing at the baseless conclusions we drew regarding it's capabilities this early in it's lifespan?

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.