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Sales Discussion - SC4 sales - View Post

Pristine20 said:
Godot said:
Pristine20 said:
Onimusha12 said:
Pristine20 said:
Onimusha12 said:

The game is considered by most fans of the series to be the weakest instalment to date and reviews have been fairly mixed. Despite heavy advertising for the game and a shipment order of 2m units, the game has performed modestly and if its legs don't hold up it could easily be just another casualty of the HD movement.

In the end the biggest selling point of this game everyone agrees is the Star Wars tie in, outside of that it would have been lucky to see the sales of Virtua Fighter 5.

Maybe Bandai Namco should consider making a Soul Callibur FPS if they want to compete realistically on the HD consoles.

Because all FPS games sell like Halo 3 and COD4 right? Ever heard of other games like Quake Wars and Soldier of Fortune?

OT, fighting games have been on the decline this generation. They used to be the epitome of multiplayer enjoyment back in the day. As for SC4, I think it's more gimped than the previous iteration. You can't even get hits in after giving someone a GI! That said, I still love the game especially the customizations of the special vs mode!


While there is certainly no shortage of FPSs that have failed, I see no end of them in the near future. Eitherway if you want a game that has any chance of selling decently on the HD consoles, you need a weapon with reloadable amunition in the game.


So even FFXIII won't sell much. Oblivion sold like crap too. You seem to have a serious bias against HD gaming that is borderline ridiculous. Perhaps in the near future when HD is the only format around, you won't be playing any more games.


So you believe in Pachter's theory of the Wii HD? Good for you but I'm sure we won't see it for a while...


HDTV is going to be the Last man standing in the TV format wars. How many people do you know who still have black and white TVs. The next generation of consoles will all be HD because that will be new format and the TVs are much lighter and will be much cheaper than they are now. Nintendo didn't go HD this time around because of the cost and adoption rate. Thats a nonentity for the next generation. So I'm guessing onimusha12 will be done gaming by then since he only plays SD systems lol.


The only difference between color and blackand white and SD to HD switch is there was a clear gain for all consumers. Some people just don't care how many display lines their tv had or how much detail the image has, I have an HDTV in my room and all the sound equipment, my family still rents DVD's and plays it on the 28" tube tv out in the living room.  Even though there's ample seating and room.


Some people just don't care about HD or SD and while a majority will adopt on their next TV purchas given that there's very few SD tube tv's available anymore. I know a select few who will hunt down the old tube tv because the price and familiarity. I know my great aunt still had a black and white as recently as 1995.