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To OP:

1. The main people coming out and saying LBP won't be any good are the forum trolls. I don't see any MS or Nintendo ad campaigns against LBP, and they're most certainly not "scared" or "jealous" of this game. All three companies believe they have viable machines with viable software, and all three do. So far the only console with something to prove is the PS3, so if anyone is "scared" it's Sony, but I doubt that's even true. Sony has a great machine and they know it. I'm sure they're prepared to continue to do battle with their competitors just like the other two companies are.

2. No game that is surrounded by this much hype is ever going to live up to its expectations. Even the most amazing games can seem mediocre at launch because the buildup has been more exciting than the actual game. I think this game, as with any ultra-hyped game, gets a mixture of reactions: People who genuinely feel they won't like this type of game, people who may like this game but don't want to get caught up in the hype and then inevitably let down at launch, or fanboys who like to give other fanboys grief. The first two are legitimate, but the third one is unfortunately prevalent.

3. Anecdotally speaking, I don't know many people out in the real world who have even ever heard of Little Big Planet. I read all about it on web forums, blogs, and in the general gaming media, but of all the people I know in the "real world" who game (and I do know quite a few), I have never once heard anyone say how excited they are about Little Big Planet. Now, that could be because I only know a handful of PS3 owners, or it could be that only dorks like me who look for this kind of stuff online know about it. Either way, from what I can tell so far, I think LBP will sell moderately well, and will probably not push hardware sales up that much, but definitely has the potential to be an amazing game. All of those things could change with some good old fashioned marketing or a really solid, bug free launch, but I think they have some work to do before this title transcends to the level Sony wants.