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Riachu said:
shio said:


I'm a RPG fan, and that I enjoy all types of RPGs: MMORPG, JRPG, WRPG, ARPG, etc... now, after playing dozens of them, I can safely say that WRPGs are vastly superior in almost everything against JRPGs.


  • The storytelling is linear, and the story itself is almost never integrated in the gameplay.
  • Lack of real choices/consequences and player/character interactivity.
  • The combat systems are more shallow, less depth.
  • Stories/Characters are more generic, less variety.
  • Writing quality is uninspiring.
  • Artistic-syle is almost always animé.


  • Non-Linear storytelling, and mostly integrated into gameplay.
  • Several choices/consequences and Player can impact the game-world.
  • More Complex and varied combat systems.
  • Superior stories and characters, and more varied settings.
  • Writing quality is of the highest in gaming industry.
  • Artistic-style is usually realistic.

Basically, it's something like this:

RPG mechanics: WRPG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JRPG
Story: WRPG >>>>>>>>>>>> JRPG
Characters: WRPG >>>> JRPG
Battle Systems: WRPG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JRPG

The uninspiring writing in JRPGs are mostly caused by 'lost in translation' issues.  The NPCs in Western RPGs tend to be very generic.  The battle systems in WRPGs, varied? Your kidding me, right?


Sorry, but NPCs in WRPGs are far better characterized and more varied, and many of them multi-dimensional. You should play Planescape: Torment to see why I'm right. That is one of the reasons why WRPG's have stories far better than JRPGs.

The battle systems are definitely more varied in WRPGs, and better executed. From Realtime with Pause, to pure turn-based, to Reatime with turn-based mechanics, to hack n' slash. We still haven't seen a JRPG with a combat system that could dethrone Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale's handling of D&D rules, or Diablo's evolved Hack n' Slash.