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Kasz216 said:
swyggi said:
Kasz216 said:
No... I replied to you... the things you mentioned weren't character development. They were flashbacks.

Character Development happens DURING the story. Not before it.


It goes both ways. Things you didn't know about certain characters before change in front of you sometimes after flashbacks, as well as your perceptive. You're playing the game that has the flashback, therefore it IS happening during the story. Flashbacks can and generally will impact a character in a later time. It doesn't have to necessarily effect them throughout the game, but if there is a change in their persona their character does.


I couldn't disagree more. After all... a LOT happens to them during the game... yet it doesn't seem to change any of them.

The fact that there characters change so readily in the past, yet don't change at all in the present in of itself is a problem. It's just lazy storytelling.

It reeks of someone who came up with the beggining and the ending before working out the middle... without thought of how getting from point A to point B would effect anyone.

Cloud: He starts off as a mercenary that just wants to get a job done, later he cares about the people around him more and more, after the death of Aeris he learns of his true identity and becomes like an empty shell, but finally he gets a grasp on himself, digs down deep and frees himself of Sephiroth's control over his mind.


Barret: Noisy and rowdy at first, gets really angry after Biggs, Wedge and Jessie die.  Doesn't trust Cloud at first, but later starts to trust him wholeheartedly.  After the Dyne incident he's far less rowdy and more serious than he was during the beginning.  He begins to understand that he's not as clear cut of a leader as Cloud too, which he thinks he is closer to the beginning.


Tifa: She hides her feelings from Cloud and when Aeris comes into the picture you can see sparks of jealousy.  After she delves deep into Cloud's mind when you're trying to put the pieces together to Cloud's past she becomes more honest with her self and with Cloud. 


Red: Starts off very wise and quiet.  After the Seto storyline he's less quiet and more upbeat of a character full of pride and willing to lay his life on the line for Cosmo Canyon.  He gains pride as well from that incident




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