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Sales Discussion - SC4 sales - View Post

Kyros said:

It's still a fighting game

Sure but definitely not in competition to the others. Fighting games like Virtua Fighter do not seem to have a place on Wii this gen. (Until now) so you can start arguing that HD consoles are bad at selling those when the Wii starts to sell them better.

Really, how do you figure they're not competing? By that logic what evidence than any fighting games are competing? Sounds like excuses to me. I don't need these games to be on the Wii to see how much better they sold on the PS2 and how much more money they made then given lower development costs.

If all you can do is stipulates conditions of exceptions to the rule, then you've really not much of a defense now do you?

You meen "oops" not "UPS"?

LOL you are funny.

I aim to put a smile on everyone's face. :)

Yes damage control, because the game being crap had nothing to do with its failure. And how is it ironic? Irony requires context which you haven't provided. Simply implying an argument doesn't mean you've actually made one Kyros. This game was made a different genre for completely alien reasons from that which I suggested the same be done for Soul Calibur on the HD consoles which is only furthered by the fact that Soul Calibur never put itself to the test on the Wii first before this little spin-off.

Sorry but I do not understand exactly what you are arguing in this paragraph. Try to make your points clearer please. Again you said Soul Calibur would need to be a FPS on HD consoles to succeed. Despite the fact that it sold 650k in its first week. Which is pretty good given the not exactly supreme reviews. You defend the bad sales of Soul Calibur on the Wii with bad reviews but you say the good but not great sales of Soul Calibur 4 are because of the HD consoles and not because it got lower than expected review scores. Seems weird to me.

Really? Even Bandai-Namco said Soul Calibur for the Wii was a terrible game, bad even then its reviews were far worse than any Soul Calibur 4 recieved. Also, I don't remember seeing any advertising for the Soul Calibur for the Wii. Unles you're willing to cocede both Soul Calibur Legends and Soul Calibur 4 are of the exact same quality, your argument holds no water. They weren't even developed by the same teams in Namco.

650k out of 2m units shipped isn't that impressive, especially with all the money put into the advertising campaign for the game. I suppose you want us to give them an A for effort?

Even if this Soul Calibur for the HD Consoles was the best selling version the higher cost of development cleanly squashes any profits, if it does make its money back it will most likely show the most pitiful returns of any Soul Calibur to date. Thus is where the suggestion of the one popular genre for the HD Consoles comes into fray, First Person Shooters. This context does not exist for the Wii, they have not put a real Soul Calibur game on the Wii yet, they just went strait to a crappy low budget spin--off, so forgive me if I fail to see the irony in two completely alien circumstances.

Yes great franchises that are all in decline

Which Soul Calibur game had 650k first week sales again? Besides it could have to something to do with the fact that fighters simply are not en vogue anymore or doesn't this fit into your world? 2D Jump&Run like Wario also sell like dirt today on Wii or on HD consoles. Times are changing.

So first you claim the game is selling well then say it isn't selling well because fighters aren't the in thing anymore. To be honest, Fighters aren't so much selling worse as they're just too expensive to develop on the HD consoles and realistically expect to turn a profit. And when Wario comes out stateside and in Europe we'll just have to see just how well it does, consider now its only out in Japan. Funny thing is Soul Calibur 4 only sold well in America, it bombed everywhere else.

Given the dire situation of third-party games in classic non-minigame genres on Wii I would be careful with implying that HD consoles are to blame for any game that sells badly. They seem to be the last heaven for them. Carnival Games for the win

Lol, the last heaven you say? The dire situation of third-party games on the Wii is due to poor support and a lack of good games rather than good games not selling so your argument is moot. Though it was a cute gesture on your part to try and work in a running jab, lol. When the Wii gets first tier games like Soul Calibur 4, Resident Evil 5, Devil May Cry 4, Virtua Fighter 5, etc and they don't sell, then you can cry fowl on third party games selling for the Wii, but considering the lack of any attempt to put serious third party support on the Wii or any advertising for that matter, I think the Wii is doing a hell of alot better than what the PS3 or 360 could manage on such offerings. In fact I guess HD gaming period isn't "en vogue" this generation at all because the Wii inspite of poor third party support is still outselling the competition combined. Funny world isn't it.