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MontanaHatchet said: the fuck can anyone say George Bush? Really, pardon my language, but Bill Clinton was an amazing president. If there's one person I would want to be, it's Monica Lewinsky. Clinton did amazing things with the economy, and Bush let the market go into the pooper. Now you could claim that it's not really Bush's fault, as nothing could stop rising energy costs, the declining housing market, etc. But at least Bill Clinton wouldn't have sat on his ass while a category 5 hurricane ripped through a major city and inflation sped up and the housing market collapsed and the nation's kids became idiots and the government was full of corrupt politicians. He would have done more than just give the citizens a little more money. You know, because that's the ultimate way to help an economy suffering from inflation.


 Even though I know Clinton was the better president, you are giving him far too much credit. The President takes the blame/success of the economy, that is it. He does not influence it, hell Congress struggle to try to influence it. The economy fluxes back and forth, and it would have eventually turned south whether it was with a Democrat or a Republican, all you can do is try to prolong it, which actually makes it worse.

Just Bush's dumb luck that it happened right in the middle of two wars, an energy and housing market crisis, and a domestic attack.

But while Clinton was a good president, he is not amazing, and wont hit the top 15. Bush will drop for a long time because his administration's various scandals and everything, but he already accomplished what his legacy will be, which is handling 9/11 very very well. I am at least glad  we had him in office then instead of Gore. What is Clinton's legacy? His sex scandal comes to mind for most people.

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