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So your saying demo's hurt sa... oh man.. can you please give me your point again.

I have made my point quite clear several times in this thread. Attempting to comprehend your rather odd posting style is more work to be honest.

Are you saying that demos can only have a positive effect on sales? Perhaps you should be the one to make your points clear instead of going off on tangents mid-sentence.

That's funny because EA thought it would sell slow "slow burner" they thought it was niche too; "marketed towards 8-12 year old males." Maybe you should write EA if your done asking Nintendo about defining how they used the term "core". EA is very responsive by the way, they will get back to you probably in the same day. Nintendo usually take a week to a whole month.

Didn't you want to know what I think? Because what I think is different to what EA thought I somehow have to email them? Yeah, OK mate. lol. I don't need to ask Nintendo what they mean by "core". I already know considering they apologised to the core gamers after E3. Unless you think they were saying "Sorry kiddies, there's more shovelware on the way! Sorry for the delay!"