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So I can't ask you to make a prediction as your probably going to just run with the meme's and say Nintendo products sell of course now that I said that your going to probably go with the other meme to which you say no nintendo products don't sell.. wait I just realized... the internet can't make up it's mind... it seems like a culmination of opinions.

I will gladly predict that any first party title on Wii will sell well, even if it gets critically panned. People seem to be very forgiving with first party games on the Wii - or perhaps trusting is a better word.

And yes, there is such a thing as hindsight, but I am being totally honest when I say I would never have put Brain Training into the "niche" category. Also, regarding Haze and PS3/360 games in general, you have to remember that they have demos that people can play, and I suspect a lot more people check out reviews for those systems and are therefore more influenced by review scores. If the Wii had downloadble demos, I think more people would have gone out and bought Boom Blox, but that's a topic for another "Wii weakness" thread.